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Jianjiong Gao, Matthew T Chang, Hannah C Johnsen, Sizhi Paul Gao, Brooke E Sylvester, Selcuk Onur Sumer, Hongxin Zhang, David B Solit, Barry S Taylor, Nikolaus Schultz, and Chris Sander. 3D clusters of somatic mutations in cancer reveal numerous rare mutations as functional targets. Genome Med., 9(1):4, January 2017. doi:10.1186/s13073-016-0393-x.


Joshua D Welch, Alexander J Hartemink, and Jan F Prins. MATCHER: manifold alignment reveals correspondence between single cell transcriptome and epigenome dynamics. Genome Biol., 18(1):138, July 2017. doi:10.1186/s13059-017-1269-0.